Chapter 1
I just noticed that Luizhin is in fact a senator, which means Raskolnikov has a really important enemy
Andrei Seminovotich - era um desses pobres cretinos, desses cabecudos ignorantes que se apegam a alguma idea em moda para logo desacredita-la e desmoraliza-la, tornaodo ridicu-la qualquer coisa a que mesmo sinceramante admira
Andrei gosta bastante sobre comunas, de forma bastante interessante, o comunismo na nossa sociedade ficou marcado pelas experiencias sovieticas e principalmente pela ditadura, mas naquela epoca se via uma esperanca sobre a comuna como uma coisa livre incrivel e maravilhosa
a hiporcrisia da esquerda festiva eh muito antiga, eh desda essa epoca Andre se diz todo amiguinho de Sonia, mas na verdade quando interagi com ela na vida real faz barbaridades. Ele inclusive sugeri que ser prosituta vai ser algo "tranquilo" no futuro comuna
falando sobre a prostituicao - "esse papel na comuna perdera a antiga significacao e o que parece agora estupido parecera inteligente enquanto o que nas condicoes atuais parece desnaturado, sera ao contrario perfitamente simples. Tudo depnde do meio, do ambiente. O meio eh tudo, eo homem nada."
Luizhin ler livros, que eh impressionante
a esquerda militante eh muito velha "Voce so tem uma coisa na cabeca. Nao pensa, senao nas malditas necessidades! Exclamou cheio de odio. Oh! como me tenho oido por haver prematuramente exposto a vode o meu istema e falado dessas malditas necessidades"
a Sonia eh uma pessoa muito boa, ela esta defendendo a madrasta, que coisa mais louca
"Confessarei que eh esse o meu ponto fraco. Essa expressao, baixa e grosseira, posta em circulacao por Puchkin, nao figurara no dicionario do futuro."
- os progressitas tem uma arrogancia insana, eles realmente acham que um conceito
secular vai mudar de uma hora para outra, se acham muito donos da verdade
"Esta rindo? Eh porque voce nao tem foraca para quebrar os preconceitos: o diabo me carregue"
- sim o que ele disse eh verdade mas ele tambem nao tem essa forca tambem
Chapter 3
Sonia's bad luck continues, when Luizhin says that she is stealing money from him, it's hard to tell if he actually means it or if she is just playing to achieve his goal. Why is he doing that?
"Tu tamebem exclamou avistando de repente a sehoria, tu tambem salchicheira, prussiana, infame, tu pensas que ela eh ladra?"
Luizhin is a fucking genius, he somehow put the money on her pocket. Or did she actually steal?
"Subuito, uma onda de sangue tingiu-lhe a face; ela cobriu-a com as duas maos, soltando um grito"
- Sonia
Ekaterina Ivanovna tells everyone about Sonya's "carta amarela", the level of umberassement that she is going through is unparlaled
Luizhin didn't count with Lebeziatnikov's love for Sonia and sense of fairness
It's hard to measure how pissed off Luizhin will be, imagine a senator being proved to be lying against a prostitute
Chapter 4
coitada da Sonia, para completar a infortunia dela, of all people, Raskholnikov se apaixonou por ela
it is very terrorful how he tells her taht Sonia that he killed the pawnbroker, it is very interesting how much the human life is important in this book, just like in real life if commit a murderer is considered something very bad, and someone that does that is a fucking scary by everyone in the whole world
important to mention that at this point of the book he still didn't use any of the things he stole from the pawnbroker. Very important
"Nao sei .. Nao havia ainda resolvido se ficario ou nao com o dinheiro, disse Raskolnikov com a mesma voz hesitante"
- why the fuck did he steal then?
"Porque nao tive coragem de carregar meu fardo e vim descarrega-lo sobre outrem, dizendo-lhe: "Sofre tambem, ficarei alividao. Entre-tanto, como podes amar um homem covarde assim"
He is saying that if he really wanted and followed the standard path (continuing college and working) he wouldn't have needed to kill the pawnbroker. Apparently his mental health had a major influence in him making the murderer
"So o fato de ter me perguantado, teria Napoleao matado a velha? Eh o suficeinte para provar que nao sou napoleao"
"Eu precisava saber, o mais cdeo possivel se era um piolho como os osturos ou um homem. Se podia trasnpor o obstaculo, se ousava abaixar-me, para apanhar aquela forca. Era uma criatura que tremia ou tinha o direito?"
"Eu assasinei a mim mesmo e nao a ela, perdendo-me para sempre .. Quanto a essa velha, foi o diabo que a matou, nao eu.."
Sonia represents the good in the book, where Raskolnikov represents someone that has been tempted by the devil
Chapter 5
And suddenly a strange, surprising sensation of a sort of bitter hatred for Sonia passed through his heart. As it were wondering and frightened of this sensation, he raised his head and looked intently at her; but he met her uneasy and painfully anxious eyes fixed on him; there was love in them; his hatred vanished like a phantom
He remembered clearly the expression in Lizaveta's face, when he approached her with the axe and she stepped back to the wall, putting out her hand, with childish terror in her face, looking as little children do when they begin to be frightened of something, looking intently and uneasily at what frightens them, shrinking back and holding out their little hands on the point of crying. Almost the same thing happened now to Sonia. With the same helplessness and the same terror, she looked at him for a while and, suddenly putting out her left hand, pressed her fingers faintly against his breast and slowly began to get up from the bed, moving further from him and keeping her eyes fixed even more immovably on him. Her terror infected him. The same fear showed itself on his face. In the same way he stared at her and almost with the same childish smile.
- this is a very nice part because it remembers us that
Sonya and Lizaveta had the same purity and the same beauty in them
Sonia's step mother lost the reasoning
Dounia eh muito pika, nao da ponto sem no descobriu que estao perseguindo raskolnikov
"Agora vim somente para dizer-te (Dunia levantou-se) que acaso precisares de mim.. ou de toda a minha vida .. chama-me, eu virei . . . Adeus!"
- ela eh irma indo e voltando, eh louca por ele
Ekaterina is completely enlouquecida com o fato que eh de uma familia nobre, eu tambem sou assim ja fiz parte da nobreza, e nao consigo esquecer esse fato
I think the author provides a very interesting description and detailed story of someone going crazy
mesmo depois de todas as loucuras que katarina fez, os filhos dela ainda a amam, loucura, sonia tem um coracao muito grande, ela ama ate a madrasta
When the rich treat her as badly as everyone else, however, it is more than her defenses can take, and she breaks down. In contrast to Raskolnikov, who accepts the deconstruction of the “superman” identity that he has envisioned for himself, Katerina defiantly plows through the reality that her proclaimed nobility is meaningless.
- about Katerina
This final portrait of Katerina Ivanovna completes the picture of the ruined Marmeladovs, a family that includes a drunk husband trampled to death in the streets, a proud but consumptive mother reduced to beating her children and begging, and an older daughter forced into prostitution. Sonya’s suffering and devotion to her family stands out remarkably against this backdrop of utter despair. She has long understood and accepted her identity and role, despite the cruel and crushing reality of her life.
- Sonya eh um anjo
Svidrigailov tells Raskonlinkov that he heard he saying to Sonya that he is a murder